Material Defects


Material defects occur when a material does not have the expected characteristics, chemical composition, or mechanical properties of an established standard material.  This can be due to an improper material being used in the manufacturing process, or flaws in the material that are apparent to the eye but that can result in reduced strength or lifespan of the material.  Flaws can include lack of important additive metals or amounts of additives that negatively impacts the performance of the material and can result in premature failure.  Using the wrong material entirely can result in overload failure, or can increase corrosion rates due to metal interaction.  

Hardening Defects

Metals are often temperature hardened to obtain better mechanical properties including yield and ultimate strength.  This can involve complicated processes that aren't always executed perfectly, potentially resulting in a material with drastically reduced yield strength.  Hardening can occur during a product's lifespan as well.  If not designed properly, this can result in embrittlement of material that can result in premature failure.  

How We Can Help 

We have extensive experience determining with nondestructive methods if there is a potential material defect that contributed to an accident.  

Contact MASE today at (855) 627-6273